St. Peter’s Weekly Messages

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5 days ago

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Genesis  | July 21, 2024 | Pastor Tim Carter | The family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has been plagued with conflict, lies, and betrayal. Jacob, with the help of his mother, conceals his identity and steals the blessing of Esau (the eldest son).  When Esau learned of this, he swore to kill his younger brother.  Having fled for his life, Jacob returns to his homeland to face Esau. But to be reconciled will require relinquishing the right to rule over the one who harmed you. 

Genesis | Abraham Tested | 7

Monday Jul 15, 2024

Monday Jul 15, 2024

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Genesis  | July 14, 2024 | Pastor Adam Rodriguez | In perhaps the most pivotal moment in Genesis since creation itself, we have Abraham tested by God through the offering of his only son, Isaac, as an offering to the Lord. It is a terrifying moment of confusion.  So many questions arise in our hearts and minds as we watch this narrative unfold: How and why would God ask this of Abraham? How could Abraham do this? This command of God seems counter to everything we have come to know of God. But this test of faith for Abraham reveals the foundation of our faith - that God provides the sacrifice.
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Genesis | Three Visitors | 6

Monday Jul 08, 2024

Monday Jul 08, 2024

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Genesis  | July 7, 2024 | Pastor John Cordrey | So far in Genesis, we have seen how God’s grace provided absolution for sins, protection for exiles, and covenantal promises for a new beginning. Now, as God’s covenant and promises with Abraham begin to take shape, we see how God brings life and laughter out of barrenness by giving a child to Sarah at the least expected time—but in God's perfect timing. 

Genesis | Tower of Babel | 5

Monday Jul 01, 2024

Monday Jul 01, 2024

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Genesis | June 30, 2024 | Pastor Adam Rodriguez | With the flood behind them, humanity begins to rebuild. Once again, they seek to make themselves like God by attempting to build a tower up to Him.  But when God “stoops down” to see what they are doing, He imposes limitations upon them through language to help prevent a further decline.  What God “undoes” here, He will later “Reunite” with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the re-creation of humanity through Jesus Christ. 

Genesis | Noah | 4

Monday Jun 24, 2024

Monday Jun 24, 2024

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Genesis | June 23, 2024 | Pastor Tim Carter | From one family to an entire world, sin corrupts everything it touches.  With the world's wickedness greater than ever, God’s judgment comes in the form of a worldwide flood.  But just as He has already shown, God’s grace flows as deeply as the waters of the flood did.  Inviting Noah and His family into the ark he provides a way of salvation, foreshadowing the coming of Jesus, who baptizes us in water and spirit and provides the way of salvation.

Genesis | Cain & Abel | 3

Monday Jun 17, 2024

Monday Jun 17, 2024

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Genesis | June 16, 2024 | Pastor John Cordrey | The results of humanity’s disobedience begin to take shape as we hear the story of Cain and Abel.  In anger, Cain rises up to take Abel’s life, committing the first murder.  With Abel’s blood crying from the ground and Cain banished from the presence of the Lord, is there any hope of fulfilling God’s promise of one to come who will bring salvation? Following the death of a shepherd, the Lord provides a new start, a new line that will lead to a shepherd who will offer his life to bring us into a new lineage.

Genesis | The Fall | 2

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Monday Jun 10, 2024

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Genesis | June 9, 2024 | Pastor John Cordrey  | When Adam and Eve disobeyed God and followed the serpent’s temptation, God began to move in mercy and grace. Walking through the garden, God went on a search-and-rescue mission, calling them out of hiding through confession and then covering their sin and nakedness through absolution. In Genesis 3, we see God's mercy and grace at work, which will shape His continued interactions with His people, finding fulfillment in Jesus’ death at the cross. 

Genesis | Creation | 1

Monday Jun 03, 2024

Monday Jun 03, 2024

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Genesis | June 2, 2024 | Pastor Adam Rodriguez | Genesis 1 and 2 is the story of the beginning of everything. As followers of Jesus, it is where our story begins. Our story begins in perfection and order, walking with God Himself. And it’s important that we start there, because we all have felt, at times, out of place in this world. We have all felt that life is not as it should be. And Genesis 1-2 gives us the why behind that feeling. Yes, we were indeed created for something better and for Someone better. It is that perfection and that rightly ordered life that the cross of Jesus brings us back into in His death and resurrection.

Trinity Sunday | 3

Monday May 27, 2024

Monday May 27, 2024

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Trinity Sunday  | May 26, 2024 | Pastor Tim Carter | The church’s message is clear, God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Everything we do, and everything we live for as the church and disciples of Jesus, ought to be founded upon this reality.  As we are sent, and empowered to testify, the message remains the same, Christ died for you, believe and trust in Him and receive eternal life.

Pentecost | 2

Monday May 20, 2024

Monday May 20, 2024

St. Peter’s Lutheran | Pentecost | May 19, 2024 | Pastor Adam Rodriguez | The church is empowered on its mission by the Holy Spirit who comes to guide the church in all truth, and to testify to the truth.  Filled with the Holy Spirit, the disciples, and the church today testifies to the work of Christ Jesus.

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